Sunday, April 25, 2010

To Tablet, or not to Tablet...

Stopped by Best Buy last night and tried out the iPad. I was extremely amazed at how fun it was. The racing game that was on there was very responsive and in HD. By far my favorite feature was the book functionality. Too see all your books as cover images on a book shelf was tantalizing. Being able to highlight a word and bring up a definition and copy text into a notepad also very cool. However, until we can go to a library and scan bar codes to transfer the book onto there, it's not extremely useful; yet.

Another downfall is that it's Apple. One of my own personal preferences; don't buy anything Apple. Not because of a bad experience, just my own stubbornness. When the iPod craze hit and everything was iSomethingorOther, it just annoyed me. I just feel uncomfortable conforming to the masses.

Two other things of note: (1) Google is working on a tablet with the Android OS, and I'm perfectly comfortable jumping on their bandwagon; (2) I'm waiting on the release of Sprint's HTC EVO 4G. While the EVO is comparable in price to the tablets, and money doesn't grow on trees, it's only one or the other. And my HTC Touch Pro is getting tired. More to follow in the future on the EVO, as that will be the obvious choice for me before summer's out...

Friday, April 23, 2010

SharePoint Server 2007

MOSS? Microsoft Office SharePoint Server? I use it as an end user. See it required on KM job descriptions. But still not sure what is required to know.

I need more IT training. I intend to add a minor in Computer Information Systems at Columbia College of Missouri. Guess I'll have to wait until I learn some programming language from those classes.

Circle of Concern, Circle of Influence - CoPs

I'm going to take a valuable lesson from my favorite book - a.k.a. "life guide" - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. That lesson is:

Stretch your area of influence out to your circle of concern.

If I want to make an impact, I must concentrate on my circle of influence. Then gradually expand that out to my circle of concern. I want to become proficient in the world of Knowledge Management (KM) and in order to get started, I have to have an effect on my circle of influence. I have access to a CoP in my organization that I do not believe has an assigned manager for it. If I can become that manager, that is the first step in expanding my circle of influence.

Life Coaching

I once joked around with an individual, telling him I'd be his life coach. This was months ago. Today the idea came back to me and I did a little Googling and Wikipedia says it's an actual profession of sorts.

Several organizations offer a certificate for it. It usually falls into wellness categories with massage and therapy. After only about 10 minutes of Googlin' around, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts seemed an organization I'd be willing to give my money to for their certification. Although I'm not sure about $1,800!

It seems it would be interesting though, helping people help themselves, and getting paid for it.

Just another random thought...

Information Overload

It's here; information overload.

I'm sucked into a new world of web 2.0, Knowledge Management, Google FriendConnect, Facebook, Lean Six Sigma, Google Wave, and sure, why not try out blogging about all the random stuff I venture into?